Dear University Physics Student,

Welcome to the University of California San Diego, Department of Physics, Problem Solving Web Demos website. Whew, that's a mouthful, but I couldn't think of a better title (any ideas, please let me know)! Let me give you a little bit of history. My name is Matthew LeBourgeois, and I have been working on this project with my fellow graduate student, Ryan Kelley, all summer (check out our cool photos at the beginning of each movie!). The Department of Physics here at UCSD was nice enough to support us in creating these movies for YOU, the average University Physics I student at universities all across the United States.

What are these movies you ask? Ryan and I have both TA'd the first University Physics course, so we had a good idea were you might struggle. So to help, we decided to create a series of videos in which we solved mid-level physics problems to bridge the gap between the easy examples professors do in class and the incredibly difficult problems those same professors assign to you for homework. None of these problems are too difficult (we don't want to give away any of the fun problems!), but you should find none of them boring either.

All videos are available in two formats, one for quicktime (640x480) and another for your iPhone/iPod. If you have any problems viewing them, please contact us, our information is below.

Hope you enjoy,
